Our hearts and brains are constantly changing, and just like the muscles in our body, they can lose strength if we don’t exercise them enough. It is especially important for seniors to stay physically and mentally active on a daily basis, which is why we offer a variety of classes to help get your body and mind moving. They’re fun and enjoyable for everyone, and a great way to meet our other residents.



Stay Active
There’s probably no activity that gets our blood pumping and faces grinning quite like our Chairobics classes. We’re sure you’ll love it, learn something new, and definitely make some new friends in the process.
Stay Fresh
Dancing is one of the more classic activities available at Welford Court, but also an undisputed favourite. Our community members and their visitors all love participating in this exciting activity whenever it’s scheduled. If you’re looking for a chance to meet new friends while having a great time, then come on out for Dancing.
Stay Sharp
There's no better feeling than feeling like yourself. Most of our residents love having a little pamper and having their nails cared for and painted, we even throw in a little hand massage if required.